Following the lives of Helen and Mike who moved from Scotland to London via Canada. See how they fair as they navigate the charms of big city life, weaving around tourists and traffic by bike, stopping frequently for tea and culture breaks.
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Category Archives: thinkings
Spring Fever
It seems that a number of my friends and colleagues are currently suffering from spring fever, each day seems to bring new tales of clear-outs, redecorating plans and house buying etc. Winter it appears has overstayed it’s welcome, we’re all … Continue reading
Lately I have been: Spending a lot of time at work Not sleeping nearly enough Spending way too much time in front of a computer Discovering a love for thrift shopping Not doing enough exercise Substituting actual meals with breakfast … Continue reading
Sometimes I make silly decisions and sometimes I make downright stupid decisions and my thought process for January was in the latter category. Signing up for three courses was ridiculously overly-ambitious, especially when in my job January is the month … Continue reading
Some things just aren’t possible to photograph, and in many ways that’s nice, there will be no similar versions of this moment all over the world, there is just your version, unique to you. Your memories and your words used … Continue reading