Following the lives of Helen and Mike who moved from Scotland to London via Canada. See how they fair as they navigate the charms of big city life, weaving around tourists and traffic by bike, stopping frequently for tea and culture breaks.
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Last week we spent three days in Portland. We had a great time, just slowing down and relaxing, or ‘chillaxing’ as Mike would say. We had lazy days sitting and reading in cafe’s hiding from the rain, reflecting on the … Continue reading
New Year’s Day in pictures
In the morning I… After lunch we cycled to see the Polar Bear swim The sunset was amazing. In the evening we had a party
From the air
I love the fact that London’s landmarks are so distinctive. Â I also love landing at Heathrow, it means I’m nearly home.
Oh yes, snowtime!
And then, just as I had finished complaining about dull and dreariness we woke up to a winter wonderland!  Gone were November’s dismal, flat grey skies, and in their place was a bright yellow sunrise and glistening white rooftops. That’s better.
Posted in photography, vancouver
Tagged Canada, photography, Vancouver
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Have you ever noticed how stripy Vancouver is? I thought it was just me that had adopted the breton blue and white stripes almost as a uniform. Â Apparently I’m in good company.